Missions to the Lakota on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota.
The Pine Ridge Reservation has 2.7 million acres of land. It is inhabited by over 20,000 registered Oglala Lakota Native Americans
The average home has 16 people living in it.
97% of the people live below the federal poverty level
Unemployment rate is approximately 84%
Median Annual income is between $2600.00 and $3500.00
60% of the homes are infested with black mold
Adolescent suicide is 400% higher than the national average
School dropout rate is over 70%
50% of adults over 40 have diabetes
Rate of alcoholism, heart disease and cancer-is the highest in the nation
Over 30% lack water, sewer systems, and electricity
Life expectance-for women 52 – for men 48
this is why our LaKota Missions team, under the direction of Rev. Patty Ehmann, travels to the reservation at least sic (6) times a year to minister. Click below to contact Rev Patty for additional information, or to view the Facebook page